
Booste deinen Live-Stream und mach deine Zuschauer noch glücklicher – so geht’s!

Our Features

Smartphone icon and a little message chat bubble
Coins and Dollar sign showing Monetization icon
Controller, star and little message bubble for gamification feature





Personalized interaction capabilities create a deeper connection between all your viewers who want to watch their favorite content together. 

Generate new revenue streams through live-on-stream monetization. Implement your own store, display interactive ads and sell digital items.
Spice up your live stream with gamifying elements. Participation is rewarded, viewers are more actively challenged and thus more satisfied.

Notice at first glance what your audience loves and draw important conclusions about user behavior to empower your growth.  

Our Features

Smartphone icon and a little message chat bubble


Personalized interaction capabilities create a deeper connection between all your viewers who want to watch their favorite content together. 

Coins and Dollar sign showing Monetization icon


Generate new revenue streams through live-on-stream monetization. Implement your own store, display interactive ads and sell digital items.
Controller, star and little message bubble for gamification feature


Spice up your live stream with gamifying elements. Participation is rewarded, viewers are more actively challenged and thus more satisfied.


All the important numbers in one place. Notice at first glance what your audience loves and draw important conclusions about user behavior to empower your growth.  

Coming soon

Leg los mit Spect8!

Leg los mit Spect8!​

Probier’s aus!

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